Monday, 25 August 2014

B4 Blues :(

Well, here it is in all its beige blandness, the next room on the diy hit list.

 Feast your eyes folks because this is a sight that in a few short weeks will no longer blight your eyes.
 I tried to count back to the last time I decorated this room and it was around a decade ago.
 I guess what with working full time and then my caring responsibilities for my mum Joyce it just got put further and further down the list of things to do. 

But, now I care full time instead and I have 8 hours a week to myself to get it done!
Tough call.
 I am only one person here so don't expect miracles, and don't forget the fact that I have an exceptionally challenging budget, equalling next to zero!
 I won't be doing any structural work so all the walls will still be here when I've done ;). This is purely a paint plaster and fill job but hopefully done with a little style and a whole lot of savvy.

So onto explaining the pics on!

THE BIG ALCOVE - this holds my dining table set, bought second hand
 with two folding chairs for £75! Bargain!
 It extends and would easily seat 8! Expect to see a makeover!
 It's solid teak G Plan Mid Century and matches the furniture in the next pic.
BIG CLUTTER - Eekk not much to say, the side board is also G Plan and has
some glass fronted shelves (not in pic) that go with it,
this was free from my Dad's neighbour to him and when my Dad passed away it became mine.
Again expect a sympathic upstyle!
Where we sit, massive comfy brown leather, I'm planning to give this a little up-do too!
Lastly, the unpainted interior of the built in cupboard in the far corner of the living room.
 Its large enough to turn into a small home office/craft/art room,
but so far has been used as a generally unloved dumping space :(
Another shot of the interior!
Spot the Christmas paper and some bent wood chairs I can't bear to chuck,
I'll re-use them promise!
And there we have it, dull isn't it. Uninspiring and worn. Frankly I feel depressed......I wonder why?


I'll keep you all posted, and remember the competition? Well all you have to do to win a  piece of hand made Wall Art is FOLLOW this little blog :) or like and share on FACEBOOK.
I better get started, take care till next time,

Thursday, 21 August 2014

WIP's.....Stuff to Do, Idle Hands and paint Colour Choices!

Well I'm in the middle of it at the minute. Not one but three Mini-Projects started and not finished. You can have a look if you like :).
I'm pleased at the progress on the wall art and the accessories for my Home. The Stag is rapidly becoming my favorite although I'm looking forward to finishing the pretty little Russian Dolls!
I'm posting before pics tomorrow of my next room to be re-vamped. I need to do a little upload and edit before you folks can have a look. I can't wait to get stuck in and finish this room. Boy I am fed UP with the room as it stands. I think we all get that way though. And its a cheap idea to re-jig furniture in your room to create a fresh look!
This time however it's only a complete redecoration that will cut the cloth here at H is for Home! Lol.
So until tomorrow have a lovely night. Hope you enjoy the pics

Monday, 11 August 2014

My 18 months are Up! It's only 2/3rd's Done! I'm just going to have to Knuckle Down and Get It Sorted! Christmas is Coming!

Panic stations!

I've passed my self- imposed deadline, I'm buggered!!

BUT I have given myself a reprieve! Aha!

Therefore I officially extend my DIY deadline for another 6 months (to be reviewed on completion of said 6 month period (my very own get out of jail card)!).

I think I'm pretty lucky to have gotten this far if you ask me, as you know its all on my tod and combined with my caring responsibilities for Mum it makes for pretty hectic around Home most days.
Although I think my posts don't reflect that when I read them. I guess I'm good at looking on the bright side and making the most of what you get!

I'm really just hoping to get the lounge done before Christmas so that Mum and I can spend our day relaxing somewhere cosy and heartfelt, filled with the joy of the season ;). It's a way off, yet it will just fly in over the next few months. Don't mean to scare you all! LOL. Realistically, I'm hoping to achieve that much before the year is out. Wish me luck, pray for me and cross your fingers :)

So less gabbing on here and more action in the house.

Before pics of the lounge space and furniture, as promised, coming soon, I have bought some cheapy accessories for the lounge, generally just buying them as I find them and stashing them away until they are needed. It saves pounds in the long run and if you are buying clearance aisle goodies then you just know that you won't see them ever again at that price! Keep a £20 maximum out in your head while you do this though, it means you won't get carried away with your precious cash flow. And remember only £20 for the month! It's worked for me!

Also the other thing is to remember that thrifty shopping for second hand furniture is often times a waiting game, DON'T pay over the odds when you know that you will find something very similar at a later date for a better price. With older, unfashionable pieces time is often on your side because they are tougher to sell and this makes them cheaper too. Just try and use a little imagination.

A basic rule for wooden goods.....check for little groups of neat holes and if you find them it means that the piece has had woodworm at some stage, if it has fresh wood dust they may still be active and need treated or else you may end up infecting other pieces in your home, so check first!

Well enough of that I need a bath and a change of clothes before I go any further today! Phew, what a wordy post!
................. and don't forget the Competition,the prize is going to look so lovely, it's coming together in an awesome way!

I hope you have an awesome day!


Saturday, 9 August 2014

Just a little clue on what is up for Grabs in our 'Like&Share' Comp! :)

Here is a wee look at the vintage style decorative object I am making for the blatant blog promo that is my 'Like&Share' comp!

You might be able to tell that it is a chalkboard style wall plaque with a copper nail string art heart...try saying that after a few merlots! 

It's looking pretty sweet so far and we have the addition of some handmade ceramic embossed hearts yet to be incorporated into the design. Lastly it will be framed and then it will be ready to hang somewhere fabulous in your very own home!

And of course the inspiration for it all.......Home Is Where the Heart Is!

I'm making two, one for me and one for you, but as the winner you will have your pick of which one you might want! I'll tell you more on where mine will be on show here at home later in the blog.

So all you have to do is either 'Like' us on Facebook, link on the right of the blog, or simply 'Follow' us direct, here on Bloglovin' ;) 
The competition starts now pretty much and it will end on the 9th September at 9pm when I'll announce the winner!

So like, share and follow! What are you waiting for :)
Good Luck,

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Like and Share Competition Time Coming Soon!

Ok, its time for a little blatant blog promotion competition! Yay!

The idea is very simple folks, you 'like'and share 'H is for Home on Facebook, or sign up to 'follow' on Blogger and a piece of very vintage inspired home decor could be yours! Made by my own fair hands!

I'm in the process of creating the piece RIGHT NOW! and I have to say I'm pretty pleased, it's a 'one for me, one for you' kinda thing, so you will own something that only one other person will have (ME!)......

No sneaky peeks today either, you will have to wait for the finished article but a little clue is that it will feature some copper accents! Right on trend at the minute! :)

So keep popping back for your chance to win something truly special!
Lots of love,